Cultural Competency Building

Face to Face & On-line cultural competency facilitation

Our cultural competency programs are culturally engaging and developed to ensure all participants are in an environment that they feel culturally safe and free to speak openly about reconciliation. Our training can be tailored for each individual business and are designed to provide your team with the confidence to engage respectfully with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This program can be delivered either online and/or in person. We have a deep understanding of how the organisations we work with are time restricted and offer a range of timely sessions top suit your business needs. These range from - 2-3hrs / 4-6hrs

The program will provide your organisation the opportunity to engage directly with our skilled and experience facilitators across the country.

 Our cultural competency facilitation is the first step to building a culturally safe organisation. Our training will cover topics such as;


Connecting cultures with the group.

What is our Cultural

Connecting to Country Family, Elders, language and Family Groups

Histories Impact

Stolen Generation, Terra Nullius, January 26,  legislation that effected Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander  Peoples, Health and life expectancy

Cultural understanding

Impact and history of colonization, communication, and engagement

Where to now

Closing the Gap, walking in two worlds, what is our Corporate and Social Responsibility through Employment & Procurement opportunities and Identifying champions of change.

Cultural activities


Group artwork

allow your team to connect

Welcome To and Acknowledgement of Country

location/community specific.

Cultural Performances

Dance and Yidaki

On country Cultural Emersion activities

location/community specific.

Outdoor Cultural activities

Ochre painting

Fire making using traditional tools.

Boomerang and Spear throwing using a traditional woomera.

Story telling

Interested? Please fill out our form